How to Convert PDF to Word®

Because AbleWord can read and write both Word® and PDF documents it is easy to convert between them -Word® to PDF or PDF to Word® in a flash.


First open your PDF

Press the 'Open' button on the toolbar as shown below.
Open PDF Document
You can now browse your filesystem and open a PDF document.
When a PDF is opened in AbleWord it is automatically converted to a Word® document while loading, this process can take a couple of seconds per PDF page so if you have a large PDF then please be patient as it is converted.

Now save as Word®

To save the document simply press the Floppy Disk button to the right of the Open button and save with your desired file type (in this case PDF) as shown below.

Save Word document as PDF

This is a very basic overview on how to convert PDF to Word® (.doc and .docx)
for more information on AbleWord please see our online help